Why Fifth Influence?
You are competing in the time of “communication Darwinism” where eyeballs need to be won via six-second ads thumbed-through in a newsfeed on a 5-inch screen. You're changing the way you talk with consumers and constituents, but the media evolution is happening rapidly and changing constantly. You need a partner who knows how to exercise and command social and digital media to deliver results. This is why I started Fifth Influence.
Other than the legislative, executive & judicial branches of our government, the journalistic media, newspapers, magazines and television, are known collectively as the Fourth Estate. They inform and empower our citizens, enhance democratic value, and are a major part of the advertising industry. The rise of social media changed both the political and advertising environment. Social media is now the Fifth Estate and unarguably more powerful than our mainstream media.
My agency is expert in utilizing social and digital media to influence behavior, whether to encourage a prospective customer to purchase a product or service or to motivate a citizen to support a cause or candidate. We are an authority on how to leverage the Fifth Estate to create influence. We are Fifth Influence.