Mar 17, 2020


Post by 
George Potts
ll Fifth Influence Clients and Partners:

We are experiencing an unprecedented time in our history. Rightfully, our communities and our nation as whole are taking extraordinary measures to combat the spread and impact of the corona virus pandemic. I sincerely hope that all of you are well and managing through the beginning of this crisis as best as possible both personally and professionally.

Fifth Influence will continue business operations and our collaborative efforts with you will remain on track; however, we are making a few changes in how we work starting this week:

  • Fifth Influence team members will work remotely and not report to our offices. As always, we will be available via phone, email, and text and will respond promptly.
  • Unless you deem it absolutely necessary to meet in-person, all client and partner meetings will be virtual meetings conducted via conference call or video conference if possible. We understand this is not ideal. Our business is highly communal and in-person interaction is preferred. Fifth Influence team members will be taking extra time on all client calls to confirm understanding, absorb feedback, verify approvals, explore feelings, etc. in the absence of the body-language, facial reactions, tone, and other things we observe or pick-up on when we typically meet with you in-person. We appreciate your patience and understanding when we spend more time on items then when we might in-person.
  • Given we will not be meeting in-person, you will experience an increase in phone calls from our team. We believe this is better than just communicating via email. It is important for us to regularly hear your voice on the items we our collaborating on with you. We do not wish to speculate when questions arise from an email or enter into a lengthy email chain that can be resolved with a quick call. We appreciate your openness to accept increased phone communications with our team. We know it will help maintain the quality of our deliverables for you.

During this crisis, we will revisit these measures on Friday each week and determine if they will extend to the following week. You will receive a phone call and email every Friday letting you know how Fifth Influence will operate for the coming week.

Additionally, we understand you are likely altering how you work as well. We look forward to learning how we may ease the challenges you face in dealing with the corona virus at your business or organization.

Thank you once more for your patience and understanding with how we are changing our business operations and communication with you for the time-being. We are devoted to your success and enjoy working with each of you. Thank you.

At any time, please call us at 412-502-5087 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks once more. We are your partner. Our efforts on behalf of your business or organization will continue unhindered. We will not just maintain our collaboration with you during this difficult time we will strengthen it.